Message from


Authorised Representative,
Zurich Life Insurance Malaysia Berhad

A heartfelt congratulations to all our Zurich Champions and achievers at the 2023 Nite of the Stars! Your dedication throughout the past year has been truly inspiring. Witnessing the unwavering commitment of our Zurich Life Rookies, Planners, and Leaders has been a privilege, and the results speak for themselves.

This year, we're taking a fresh approach. Let's celebrate growth – not just in numbers, but in knowledge, skills, and the strength of our partnerships. Our theme for 2024 is "Quantum Leap. Grow!" – a philosophy that goes beyond mere targets. It's a call to action, a commitment to propel ourselves and our Zurich family forward.

As you grow your business, prioritize your personal and professional development. Invest in honing your skills, expanding your knowledge, and fostering strong client relationships. Emphasize agency professionalism to solidify your position as trusted advisors.

Our commitment to our customers remains unwavering. We'll continue developing affordable Life Insurance solutions that meet the ever-changing needs of the Malaysian market. This ensures we provide both you and your customers with the tools needed for lasting success.

I would like to emphasize once again the importance of going back to the basics of success; by continuing to Activate your agency, Building by recruiting and ensuring sustainable growth, and finally, Connecting with your customers to serve them better, and not forgetting the importance of collecting premiums to maintain your persistency.

The 2024 Nite of the Stars promises to be an unforgettable celebration. We can't wait to acknowledge your accomplishments and chart our course for the future, together.

Congratulations once again, Champions! Together, let’s propel Zurich Life and the Zurich brand to new heights. Your success is our success.